Giving Care: Senior & Disabled Caregiver Resource Blog

A buying guide for wheelchair clothing

A man sits in a wheelchair, looking at the viewer

Getting dressed and ready for each day can be a struggle for people with mobility issues. For some wheelchair users, this daily task can feel even more daunting. Adaptive clothing that is designed for wheelchair users makes dressing more accessible and comfortable for those who are


Living and Thriving with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. In other words, it is a chronic condition that largely affects the brain and spinal cord. It is also frustratingly mysterious, with no clear cause or cure. Though its symptoms and their


Getting Dressed in All Stages of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by toxic changes in the brain. Therefore, it largely impairs memory and judgment, although motor skills may also be affected when brain signals meant to control muscles are damaged. Getting dressed can become a struggle for both patients and their caregivers. With


Why Do Dementia Patients Take Their Clothes Off?

Anti Strip Advice For Senior With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia A common symptom for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia is the tendency to try to remove their clothes. As with many Alzheimer's symptoms, it can be difficult to explain the phenomenon, especially as the brain deteriorates


How to Deal with Incontinence in the Elderly

Causes of incontinence in elderly

It’s never easy to talk about incontinence.  In fact, many choose simply not to talk about it - not with their healthcare providers or with their family.  Incontinence, on its own, is not overly debilitating, however its effect on quality of life is massive and


Best Gifts for Rehab Patients

Best Gifts for Rehab Patients

Having to stay in physical rehab isn’t fun for anyone, especially if your loved one has to stay there over the holidays. No matter what time of year they are in rehab, giving them a gift is the perfect way to brighten their day and


8 Ways Adaptive Clothing Benefits Both Patients and Caregivers

Adaptive clothing is designed for elderly or infirm people as well as those with physical disabilities who may experience difficulty dressing themselves. This difficulty is usually due to one or both of the following: an inability to manipulate closures (think buttons and zippers) or limited


Gifts for Men in a Nursing Home

Welcome to our curated collection of Gifts for Men in Nursing Homes, where each item is more than just a gift - it's a token of love and care. You'll find perfect gifts for special occasions like a birthday, Father's Day, or even as a


Adaptive Open Side Pants for Senior Men and Women

Side opening pants line art and real demonstrations

Adaptive open side pants are must-haves for people with arthritis or lowered dexterity. As an independent dresser, it is less of a struggle to handle fasteners specially designed for ease of use. It is also much easier to get in and out of a pair


How Do Adaptive Open Back Pants Work?

Adaptive Open Back Pant in wheelchair - demonstration of back

Adaptive open seat pants are must-haves for bed or wheelchair bound men and women. Whether a patient is independent or requires assistance from a caregiver, Silverts clothing designed for seniors or those with disabilities makes getting dressed and undressed easier. Putting on pants with an open back


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