Giving Care: Senior & Disabled Caregiver Resource Blog

8 Ways Adaptive Clothing Benefits Both Patients and Caregivers

Adaptive clothing is designed for elderly or infirm people as well as those with physical disabilities who may experience difficulty dressing themselves. This difficulty is usually due to one or both of the following: an inability to manipulate closures (think buttons and zippers) or limited


Adaptive Open Side Pants for Senior Men and Women

Side opening pants line art and real demonstrations

Adaptive open side pants are must-haves for people with arthritis or lowered dexterity. As an independent dresser, it is less of a struggle to handle fasteners specially designed for ease of use. It is also much easier to get in and out of a pair


How Do Adaptive Open Back Pants Work?

Adaptive Open Back Pant in wheelchair - demonstration of back

Adaptive open seat pants are must-haves for bed or wheelchair bound men and women. Whether a patient is independent or requires assistance from a caregiver, Silverts clothing designed for seniors or those with disabilities makes getting dressed and undressed easier. Putting on pants with an open back


What is an Adaptive Open Back Nightgown?

How are Silvert's Hospital Gowns different? No Pressure Points – Patients do not lay or rest on closures. You and your loved one can rest easy knowing the snaps are placed on the shoulders of the wearer. This way whether they are in a wheelchair or


5 Tips for Dressing Elderly Loved Ones

Paralysis, lowered mobility, and other physical challenges make it difficult for older adults to get in and out of their clothes. At Silverts, we believe getting seniors dressed should be the least of a caregiver’s struggles. That’s why people all over the world trust us


Easing the Struggles of Dressing – Magnetic Closing Shirts

Magnetic closing shirts

Magnetic Buttons Mens Dress Shirt - Arthritis & Parkinson's Mens Magnetic Closing Shirts With Shirt Magnet Buttons NO MORE BUTTONS! Wow quality, style and functionality combined to make this men's long sleeve dress shirt with shirt magnets the go to purchase of the year. Why Choose a


How to Accurately Measure your Bra Size

Measure bra size

A good-quality, well-adjusted bra in the right size can make all the difference, both in comfort and appearance. Here is how to accurately measure your bra size. The first step to identifying your bra size is measuring around the bottom of the band directly under the


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